Thursday, August 22, 2013

7 Day Horror Movie Meme: Day 1- Top five favorite horror movies

Even though there are a few posts up already, let's kick this blog off with some memes so you can get to know us and our tastes a little bit. I scoured around for a meme shorter than 30 days but failed to find one, so I just winged it and made up my own. Each day, Time and I will be answering one of these questions! If you want to join in, here's the meme:
  1. Top five favorite horror movies
  2. Favorite and least favorite horror genre
  3. Top three movies that scared you the most
  4. Three movies you loved but everyone else seemed to hate
  5. Three movies you couldn't stand but everyone else seems to love
  6. Favorite franchise and your favorite and least favorite movies in it
  7. If you were stuck in a horror movie what sort of character would you be?
 Today's topic is a pretty basic one: Top five favorite horror movies.


  1. 28 Days Later- Not only is this movie terrifying on so many different levels and for so many different reasons, but it also struck me as an incredibly beautiful movie. This is one of the movies that gives me chills just thinking about it, again, for both it's terror and it's beauty.
  2. Tremors- Sort of debatable whether or not this is a horror film, but it's typically categorized as a monster flick. I first saw this when I was really little and didn't get that it was supposed to be funny and just got how completely terrifying giant underground monsters are. I was terrified of Graboids for years and my tiny little kid brain would frequently make up escape plans just in case. 
  3. Trick 'R Treat- I feel like this is the movie that got me back into horror movies. A few October's ago I was looking for horror recommendations and a friend suggested this, I was instantly impressed with how fun and original it was. I've always loved anthologies and was really excited to see how perfectly these were interwoven.
  4. The Shining- This is one that sort of slips in and out of my favorites and I tend to forget how much I really like it until I see it again. It's a classic and it's simply a scary psychological horror movie, which is a genre I'm not usually a fan of.
  5. House of 1000 Corpses- It's a toss up between this and The Devil's Rejects, several years ago I probably would have chosen The Devil's Rejects, but House of 1000 Corpses has become the more nostalgic movie for me over the years. I've practically been a lifelong Rob/White Zombie and I always thought he seemed like a really great guy, so when he first started making movies I was really excited about it. I love the homage and the camp and the gore and the comedy of this movie.


  1. Trick r' Treat- A Halloween themed anthology that ties every story together? there is nothing that I do not love about trick r' treat. I also adore the little girl dressed as a witch who spouts out information about the pagan holiday Samhain, which Halloween evolved from. This is also the only time I can enjoy a performance from Anna Paquin, who is not an actress who I am particularly fond of. There is not a negative thing I could say about this movie and I am constantly recommending it to people, it has become my Halloween movie of choice.
  2. Cabin in the Woods- Slasher films where there is a group of five or six stupid college kids, who get drunk and are slaughtered one by one, are my least favorite horror movies. I think they are boring, and overdone. That being said when I sat down to watch Cabin in the woods at a friends urging, I was instantly put off by the start. I was so wrong. this shot to the top of my favorite because it makes fun of all the horror movies before it, and does it brilliantly. While poking fun at the stereotype it also maintained a level of scary, there were a few parts where I jumped. The only part of the movie I did not like was the last...two minutes, other then that I thought it was perfect.
  3. Grave Encounters- Another movie I thought was going to be a waste of time. There are so many pseudo-found footage films out there, many of them terrible. The introductory message about the films was to me, unnecessary. After a shaky start the movie took a turn for the better. there were jump-scares, decent graphics, and a setting that fills the audience with a sens of dread. Grave Encounters is also the only horror move that made me feel claustrophobic while watching it. They do an amazing job creating the feeling of being trapped.
  4. Pet Semetary- The loving and tragic story of a boy and his cat, well sort of. I remember reading the book in bible camp. the only really good memory from that summer but I had not had the opportunity to watch the film until years later. Pet Semetary terrified me. Watching it alone in the dark with surround sound made the end of the movie much more terrifying to me then it should have been. I must say I love many of Stephen Kings books but I have always felt a lot of the movie adaptations have not lived up to the terror the novels filled me with. Pet Semetary was one of the two that actually exceed to my expectations.
  5. Creepshow- My favorite silly horror anthology that fills me with nostalgia. My dad and I watch it every fathers day or else my dad will walk around my house yelling "its fathers day and I want my cake!" When I was younger, the stories portrayed actually gave me nightmares, but after occasional viewings, they resulted in more of a 'playful' horror. Taking things that seemed dark and evil, and making you laugh a bit, well... atleast I did.

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