Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Totally Misleading Trailors: Jennifer's Body

This movie is now 4 years old, but I only recently saw it. I have spent the last 4 years skipping over it because I was under the impression that it was a typical sexy teen scream that just promised boobs and gore, and gory boobs, and probably Satan and lesbian makeout times too. You know the typical bullshit summer horror movie, rated R but aimed at 15 year olds. To add to this, they played the trailer non stop, and by the time it was in theaters I was already thoroughly sick of hearing about it. If you didn't own a TV in 2009, here's the official trailer.

See what I mean? It looks like a complete bore to me, which is why I never even considered it when trying to decide on what to watch next. It wasn't until recently someone sat me down and assured me it was actually a good movie. I was dubious of this but I decided to check it out anyways, and I'm really glad I did and really annoyed at it's marketing campaign for trying to cast so wide of a net that missed the point completely.

Instead of a typical Satanic teen scream boobfest, I was completely delighted to find that it was an incredibly competent horror comedy that was actually pretty faithfully spoofing this genre. The writing was a little jarring at times, as everyone sort of talks like the archetypical frat bro on the internet, but it really fits with the theme of the general spoof. Despite this I found myself immensely entertained by this movie! I'm probably going to have to rewatch it a few times to make up for the several lost years I spent shunning this movie.

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